Monday, April 3, 2023

Mind Mapping

• the process of creating and completing a Mind Map
Get a blank sheet either paper or digital. The in the center write down the topic of your mind map. (Circle it to make it more prominent and pictures to make it memorable) then start adding smaller topics or nodes, keywords, ideas to the map. First level of topics or the closer they are to the center is the main categories or key ideas. Then add the child topics or ideas. Draw another line from your first level ideas and write your child topic on the line. They should be less prominent than your first level. Remember hierarchy. Use short words or phrases and picture and colors to organize.

  • benefits of using Mind Mapping tools in the classroom and ways use of this tool supports learning

  • benefits of using Mind Mapping tools for work
    Helps you focus and structure your thoughts. Enhances memory. Help save time.

    Can help in having unobstructed flow ideas. It is easy and fun.

    -Then, share details of the process that you went through to create your Mind Map. What went well? What didn’t go as planned?

    I went super simple with my mind map. I picked a known topic and then I added the categories of what was most common sports. I loved how everything was color coded. However, I wish I could have figured out how to combine certain sports that was in more than 1 category.

    -Finally, discuss the following:

• Is mind mapping helpful for students? Why or why not?

A mind map is a type of visual diagram that consists of a centralized subject and related topics or ideas branching off from it in all direcQons. From each topic subtopics can again branch off, resulQng in a radial structure. I personally think they are helpful to students especially those who learn visually. A mind map’s radial structure directly corresponds to the way our brains store and retrieve information. A mind map conveys hierarchy and relationships between individual ideas, enabling you to see the big picture. A mind map makes use of mental triggers (such as pictures, colors and connections) to help your brain memorize things more easily.

• When should teachers incorporate mind mapping in the classroom?

When students are brainstorming, summarizing, planning, problem solving, taking notes, memorizing, presenting, collecting and structing information, collaboration, and decision making.


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