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Sunday, April 23, 2023
Joining Forces in Purposeful Work: The legacy of student contribution
What opportunities can you identify for incorporating multiple student jobs into your classroom activities?
I feel like having multiple student jobs would be beneficial. Students will have more self-confidence, learn responsibility, and teamwork. Some ideas would be class notetaker. In special ed like the class I work in we have line leader, chef leader, garden leader and hamster leader to help with things in and around our classroom. It is something they look forward to each week.
How could you help your students create an educational legacy that would outlast their own student experiences?
Students could create an educational legacy by having an interactive notebook/blog. Students can see what had been covered and can share with others.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
The Student as Global Communicators and Collaborator
What kinds of opportunities can you imagine for enabling students to engage with authentic audiences around the world?
I feel like there are multiple opportunities. You would have to start small and locally and work your way up. I feel like this would be a timely matter but also very rewarding. It would keep students motivated and engaged and get them ready for real experience outside of school when it comes to teamwork, communication and experiencing others cultures.
In what ways do you believe that assignments that challenge students to partner with students globally can be more motivating for students than teacher-assigned grades?
Being able to meet other people and learn new things especially people with different culture or people being taught different. I feel like students will research more and will be more interested and engaged. I also think that students will be more grateful for what they have and are willing to do.
What barriers do you anticipate educators will face in guiding students in the role of global communicator and collaborator?
Some barriers I feel like you can run into is permission from the school and parents. Also time frame to get this started and going. Another thing that people might think about is possible language barrier.
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Friday, April 7, 2023
Student as the Researcher
1. What difficulties do you foresee in assigning the role of student researcher in your classroom? What benefits do you think this work might bring to your students?
Some difficulties you may see when assigning the role of a student researcher is that they may not know how to research. Many students think that any cite has true and correct information on it and that is not the case. Also some students do not know how to cite where they got the information. Also some may need help trying to find the right words or topics to search especially when looking at fine details on things. The benefits would be the students learn all that I have listed above and get a global view on the certain topics. Students can incorporate culture into learning any content area.
What if you had to design an assessment item in your content area where your students would have access to the web while they take the test? What would that assessment item look like? How would the question have to differ from one based on memorization?
If I was to design an assessment item where students had access to the web while taking the test it would be a written test where students had to cite where they fund the information and put that information into their own words.
Monday, April 3, 2023
Student Scribe
What do you see as the potential benefits and downsides to incorporating the work of student scribe into your classes?
Some benefits I can see from having a class scribe would be that the class would get better at organizing and communicating with each other. However on the downside I feel like some of the others that are not taking notes will be distracted and not engaged in the lesson.
What benefits do you see for students who publish to a global audience?
Some benefits that students will have if they publish to a global audience would be diversity of people around the world and their learning styles. Also having different feedback and comments from people about their work.
Do you think students will work harder on material that they prepare for that audience than they will when doing work for their teachers?
I do feel like students tend to work harder on material that they have to present or share with a audience. I have noticed that students get use to the teacher so having different audiences may help the student work harder on the assignment.
How can teachers model sharing knowledge with a global audience?
Teachers can blog about their lesson plan or they can post a video of the lesson plans. They can have students make notes and or videos to show with an assignment teaching others about topics they are learning.Student as a Tutorial Designer
As an educator, can you name some specific types of lessons or topics that would be particularly well suited for student tutorials?
I feel that any lessons could be turned into lessons for student tutorials. Especially math lessons. Some that stand out in other subjects would be Ecosystems in science or figurative language in English.
How does the work of student tutorial designers fit within Daniel Pink's analysis of PURPOSE as a key motivator of high-quality student work?
Student tutorials designers best fit Pink's analysis of purpose because it allows students to teach and be the teacher. This will help students be engaged and want to learn and help in the classroom.
Beyond the benefits for students who use the tutorials, can you identify educational benefits for students who do the work of tutorial design?
Some educational benefits for students would be having or showing different learning styles. Also being able to work altogether as a team. It can help students be open minded and interact with one another.
Mind Mapping
• the process of creating and completing a Mind Map
Get a blank sheet either paper or digital. The in the center write down the topic of your mind map. (Circle it to make it more prominent and pictures to make it memorable) then start adding smaller topics or nodes, keywords, ideas to the map. First level of topics or the closer they are to the center is the main categories or key ideas. Then add the child topics or ideas. Draw another line from your first level ideas and write your child topic on the line. They should be less prominent than your first level. Remember hierarchy. Use short words or phrases and picture and colors to organize.
benefits of using Mind Mapping tools in the classroom and ways use of this tool supports learning
benefits of using Mind Mapping tools for work
Helps you focus and structure your thoughts. Enhances memory. Help save time.Can help in having unobstructed flow ideas. It is easy and fun.
-Then, share details of the process that you went through to create your Mind Map. What went well? What didn’t go as planned?
I went super simple with my mind map. I picked a known topic and then I added the categories of what was most common sports. I loved how everything was color coded. However, I wish I could have figured out how to combine certain sports that was in more than 1 category.
-Finally, discuss the following:
• Is mind mapping helpful for students? Why or why not?
A mind map is a type of visual diagram that consists of a centralized subject and related topics or ideas branching off from it in all direcQons. From each topic subtopics can again branch off, resulQng in a radial structure. I personally think they are helpful to students especially those who learn visually. A mind map’s radial structure directly corresponds to the way our brains store and retrieve information. A mind map conveys hierarchy and relationships between individual ideas, enabling you to see the big picture. A mind map makes use of mental triggers (such as pictures, colors and connections) to help your brain memorize things more easily.
• When should teachers incorporate mind mapping in the classroom?
When students are brainstorming, summarizing, planning, problem solving, taking notes, memorizing, presenting, collecting and structing information, collaboration, and decision making.
Standing on Our Shoulders
As a educator today I do feel like you will get resistance from students when you ask them to do something or do a task or even participate in the classroom. Students might be shy or not want to be wrong. Others might just not have the right attitude that day. I especially see this in middle school education. As a parent I would want my kids to participate in class and be engaged in the learning. Some first steps I would do to build a learning community that what to make my students have more contributing factors in learning is one; have a safe and engaging learning environment. Then get what interest the students and incorporate it in my lessons. Make learning fun and "not boring" to them. For example when I was in school we started class with a game of Kahoot and that got us motivated and wanting to learn. I also like interactive notebooks for students. Also working in higher grade levels I do feel like it is important to give that student their own space at certain times yet motivate them.
What is Digital Learning?
Digital learning is a type of learning by having instructional practice with the use of technology. It is important in education because it helps students be engaged and build the skills they need for using technology. It also helps teachers deliver improved standards of teaching to students and better understand their needs.
Hey my name is Tyler Hancock. I am 25 years old and a mother of 3 beautiful children. I have a love for teaching and work in a Special Education classroom. When people say it takes someone special to hear what a child can't say, it is completely true. I love making a difference in children's learning and life. Here is a blog about the importance of digital learning in the classroom.
An description of the digital learning tool- The complete special education solution prepares students for the ultimate test: succeeding in ...